Managing Your Dispatch

Using Scenarios

At, we use a principle called DRY, an acronym for Don't Repeat Yourself, to prevent code from written more than once for the same purpose. We've implemented the same logic to, creating dispatch scenarios that allow you to create dispatch templates and save them for later use.

Scenarios Overview

You can access to your scenarios from Dispatch side menu. Scenarios overview screen provides a searchable list to your scenarios, the time that they are last run, and relevant actions.

What is a Scenario?

A scenario is a template of dispatch settings that are saved for later use. For example, for some dispatch decisions, you can opt to start techs from their homes or from the office. Or, you can say for the HVAC teams you wouldn't want your techs to drive more than 30 miles between jobs, or choose to auto-run your scenarios every 30 minutes and update your FSM software.

A scenario is a set of options where you can save all those preferences, so that you don't have to set them up again before the next dispatch run.

Who Can Edit a Scenario?

A change in the scenario settings will affect all the dispatch board that will be created using that scenario. Therefore, regular users or admins are not allowed to edit the scenarios. Only a specific user type called Account Supervisor is allowed to edit the scenario. Please consult with the customer support for further guidance.

Scenario Settings

You can click on the scenario title to edit the scenario. There are two tabs pertaining to edit a scenario, Settings and Options. These pages are visible only to users with the right permissions.

Dispatch Scenario Settings

Please consult with the following table for reference on settings and relevant behaviour.

Work Time StartChanges the dispatch board start time for all techs
Work Time EndChanges the dispatch board end time for all techs
Street AddressChanges the start address for all techs who are starting their day from the office.
Business UnitsThe list of business units that will be dispatched through the scenario. A business unit can be added to multiple scenarios. Affects settings like Fallback to Team Member or Respect Assigned Business Unit.
TechniciansList of technicians who'll be dispatched through the scenario. All techs in the business unit will populate here once the business unit is selected.
Job TypesJob types that will be dispatched through the scenario. Other job types won't be assignable for, however, pre-assigned jobs with other job types will be visible on your dispatch board for reference.

Scenario Options

Scenario options is where you override's default behaviour. Please consult with the following table for reference on each setting and relevant behaviour.

Dispatch Scenario Options

Best Technician vs. CapacityShould Buck assign best calls to best techs, or, should it distribute the workload evenly to the workforce?
Dispatch DistanceWhat's the maximum distance you want your technicians to drive between jobs?
Lunch Break OptionsDo you want to provide a lunch break time on the dispatch board, and if yes, what would be the time and how long?
Technician Start PointWhere do your technicians start their day? From their homes, or your office?
Disable Drive Time uses real-time traffic data to calculate distances between locations, so that we can make more accurate assignments. You may disable this if you're clocking your technicians for drive times as well.
Technician Start Point After UnavailabilityWhere do you want your technicians to start after being unavailable? Last location, office, or home?
Respect Scheduled Times for JobsYour CSRs are setting times when booking the call. Buck can change those times to maximize revenue, or leave them untouched. What's your preference?
Call GroupingWorks best for maintenance/warranty jobs; this ensures your technician will be completing his day in a smaller serviceable area, allowing him to complete max number of jobs.
Respect Assigned TeamShould Buck search for the best tech in the business unit of the job, or should it search for it in the entire job-type ranking list?
Assign Technician Based on Customer HistoryShould prioritize the techs who has been at the location before?
Treat all calls as unassignedThis option tells to treat all calls as reassignable except the ones that are tagged with the tags you select.
Fallback to Random Team MemberIf there's no tech available in the job type ranking list, assigns the job to a random tech from the business unit.
Allow Weekends on CallIQDo you want Omnichannel to recommend technicians who have shifts on the weekends as well?
Auto-RunSet this scenario to auto-run on its own every N minutes/hours on weekdays.
Auto-UpdateAutomatically publish the boards to your FSM software once they become available.
Zone-based DispatchUse Zones in your dispatch configuration
Include First-calls in Zone Based DispatchFind the first call in the zone close to technician’s starting address
Scheduling HeadstartStart scheduling jobs from N minutes later after the board is created.

Tips for Success

Your scenario setup matters a lot when it comes to perfecting your dispatch workflow.

Trade Based Scenario Setup

You can create a scenario per trade, such as HVAC, Plumbing, etc. Many customers prefer this strategy to have specific setup on a trade basis. This allows you to add your techs and business units on that trade, and set particular cadences for auto-run and auto-publish on a trade basis. For example, you can tell to auto-assign your plumbing jobs every 2 hours in a day, whereas the HVAC calls can be assigned once a day. You know your demand best, and scenarios should serve that purpose.

Location Based Scenario Setup

If you have multiple locations, you can set a single scenario per location, involving all business units and technicians in that location. That can trigger per-location level dispatch board creation and your dispatcher's workflow may be greatly simplified.

Reshuffles During Day

For companies who are assigning many calls in the course of the day, we recommend creating separate scenarios for once-a-day assignments and reshuffles. Reshuffle scenario might avoid reassigning all calls and only assign the unassigned ones, as you might like.

Tips For After Hours and Weekends

For after hours and weekends, we recommend adjusting technician shifts who will be on-call during those times. Once you do that, only the technicians who are on-call will be assigned and your capacity will be accurately used.

Board Optimization